Luke 15: 1-3, 11b-32 This is a parable we love, love, love. Unless, that is, Jesus is telling it to us. Then it is another matter. You know what I mean? It’s a really nice story in the abstract way. Like saying, “I love people. Only, not that particular one, or that one, or that one either.” It turns out that we mean a very specific and relatively small set of people. The first time I realized how hard this parable is was when I was reading it to an adult Bible study group. I looked up at the faces around me and they said, “I don’t like that one.” They didn’t like it because they had taken it personally (which is good.) They had asked themselves, am I as forgiving as this father? Do I want to be that forgiving? And their answer was no. Parables that talk about […]
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Fathers and Sons
Luke 15:11-32 There was a father who had two sons. One son behaved respectfully, never disagreeing with his father, always deferential. When his father would say, “When you use the car, don’t leave an empty gas tank for the next person. Fill it up, please,” this son would say, “Sure dad, I will.” But he never did. The other son was just plain rude. He would say to his father, “That’s a stupid rule to have! It’s a ridiculously petty thing to care about, and I don’t know why it matters to you.” But he never left an empty tank. He always filled it. Which was the good son? Which son was better? There was a father who had two sons. When they were grown, one son stayed at home with his father and cared for him in his old age, took care of the house so his father could remain there. He possessed a sense of duty that served him and […]
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