A Season of Peace, Week 3: The Risk of Knowing Jesus

James 3:13-4:3,7-8a Mark 9:30-37 I read a newspaper story about a young man named Oliver who had a secret he was so embarrassed about, so humiliated by, that he went to great lengths for many years to keep it hidden. The secret was that he could not read. When he was in first grade he was suspended for a week, and when he returned to school he felt utterly lost, way behind. His home life was difficult, and school was hard, and he said nobody ever talked to him about why school even mattered. Oliver continued to struggle and never caught up. Still, he was promoted from one grade to the next, year after year, until he graduated high school – and still did not know how to read. He went out into the world, looking for a job that wouldn’t require reading skills. He couldn’t read a restaurant menu […]

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